import java.util.Scanner;
public class VendingMachine
public static void main(String[] args)
final int rateChip=125;
final int rateCookie=85;
final int rateCandy=95;
final int quarter= 25;
final int dimes=10;
final int nickels=5;
int buyerMoney, change;
//create a menu
System.out.println ("Here is a selection menu for the food:");
System.out.println ("1) Potato Chips");
System.out.println ("2) Cookies");
System.out.println ("3) Candies");
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
System.out.print ("Please select the food:");
int foodSelection = input.nextInt();
// if the food doesn't exist
if (foodSelection != 1 && foodSelection != 2 && foodSelection != 3)
System.out.print("Sorry, your selection doesn't exist!");
System.out.print ("Please enter the amount of food:");
int foodQuantity = input.nextInt();
// if the food sold out
if (foodQuantity > 1)
System.out.print("Sold out, please make another choice!");
if (foodQuantity == 0)
System.out.print("Please go away, don't waste my time!");
System.out.print ("Please enter the amount of quarter:");
int numQuarters = input.nextInt();
System.out.print ("Please enter the amount of dimes:");
int numDimes = input.nextInt();
System.out.print ("Please enter the amount of nickels:");
int numNickles = input.nextInt();
buyerMoney=numQuarters * quarter + numDimes * dimes + numNickles * nickels;
// assume you only choose one quantity
if (foodQuantity == 1)
if (foodSelection == 1)
// if the amount is exactly the same the cost
if (buyerMoney == rateChip * foodQuantity )
System.out.print("Please take your food, NO change!");
// if the amount is less than the the cost
if (buyerMoney < rateChip * foodQuantity )
System.out.print("Sorry, you don't have enough money!");
// if the amount is more than the cost
if (buyerMoney > rateChip * foodQuantity )
change = buyerMoney - rateChip * foodQuantity;
System.out.print("Please take your food and your change: "+ change + " cents.");
else if (foodSelection == 2)
// if the amount is exactly the same the cost
if (buyerMoney == rateCookie * foodQuantity )
System.out.print("Please take your food, NO change!");
// if the amount is less than the the cost
if (buyerMoney < rateCookie * foodQuantity )
System.out.print("Sorry, you don't have enough money!");
// if the amount is more than the cost
if (buyerMoney> rateCookie * foodQuantity )
change = buyerMoney - rateCookie * foodQuantity;
System.out.print("Please take your food and your change: "+ change + " cents.");
else if (foodSelection == 3)
// if the amount is exactly the same the cost
if (buyerMoney == rateCandy * foodQuantity )
System.out.print("Please take your food, NO change!");
// if the amount is less than the the cost
if (buyerMoney < rateCandy * foodQuantity )
System.out.print("Sorry, you don't have enough money!");
// if the amount is more than the cost
if (buyerMoney>rateCandy * foodQuantity )
change = buyerMoney - rateCandy * foodQuantity;
System.out.print("Please take your food and your change: "+ change + " cents.");
C++: Free Frozen Yogurt
using namespace std;
//define the getKeyCharacter method
char getKeyCharacter()
string keyCharacter;
bool validated;
int length;
char letter;
// Get input from console, until it passes our tests
validated = false;
while (!validated)
cout << "Please enter a SINGLE character to act as key:";
getline(cin, keyCharacter);
length = keyCharacter.length();
// test for reasonable length
if (length == 1)
letter = keyCharacter[0];
return letter;
//define the getString method
string getString()
string theString;
bool validated;
int length;
const int MIN_LENGTH = 6;
const int MAX_LENGTH = 160;
// Get input from console, until it passes our tests
validated = false;
while (!validated)
cout << "Please enter a phrase or sentence > = " <<MIN_LENGTH << " and <= " << MAX_LENGTH << " characters:";
getline(cin, theString);
length = theString.length();
// test for reasonable length
if (length >= MIN_LENGTH && length <= MAX_LENGTH)
return theString;
//define the maskCharacter method
string maskCharacter(string theString, char keyCharacter)
for (int i=0; i<= theString.length(); i++)
if (theString[i] == keyCharacter)
theString[i] = '#';
return theString;
//define the removeCharacter method
string removeCharacter(string theString, char keyCharacter)
string newString="";
for (int i=0; i<=theString.length(); i++)
if (theString[i]!= keyCharacter)
newString = newString + theString[i] ;
return newString;
//define the countKey method
int countKey(string theString, char keyCharacter)
int countKey=0;
for(int i=0; i<=theString.length(); i++)
if (theString[i] == keyCharacter)
} return countKey;
// main
int main()
string userInput;
//Ask the user to enter a key character
char keyCharacter = getKeyCharacter();
//Ask the user to enter a target string (phrase, sentence, etc.)
string theString = getString();
//has each occurrence of the key character replaced by a number sign char, '#'
string stringMasked = maskCharacter(theString, keyCharacter);
cout << "String with key character, '" << keyCharacter << "' masked:"<< endl;
cout << stringMasked <<endl << endl;
//remove the key character
string stringRemoved = removeCharacter(theString, keyCharacter);
cout << "String with '" << keyCharacter << "' removed:" << endl;
cout <<stringRemoved << endl << endl;
// count the number of key character
int occurence = countKey(theString, keyCharacter);
cout << "# of occurrences of key character, '" <<keyCharacter << "': " << occurence << endl;
cout <<"Press any key to continue . . ." <<endl << endl;
return 0;